Wednesday 15 December 2010


Dividing the storyboarding is as follows:

Joely: Titles up until Jazmine leaves the room.
Elliot: Leaving room up until opens curtains.
Louise: Curtain up until operating theater.
Charlie: Operating theater until end.

Archive clips: We have decided to use the following archive clips from Youtube.

mental part 1 (9:06-9:12) (10:06-10:14) (9:30-9:34) (10:01-10:03)
hospitalclip (00:05-00:10 - this clip should be first in editing)

The hospital clip should be shown first because it is normal, then the mental clips should be added because they are creepy and may unnerve the audience before the films even started!

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Making The Film - Sound and Music

The soundtrack of the film will be the standard, tension-building music included in nearly every other horror film.

I also feel as we are using archive footage of old mental hospitals in our title sequence, we could start the film with an old movie countdown Old Movie Countdown


Pitch Responses

Its a good Idea, not too complicated but feelsit will be hard to find an appropriate location.
How the audience dont know if what the character is seeing is a vision.

Clearful not too cliche- not repetitive.
Sounds interesting, gets audience confused / excited.

Realistic to film
Good Ideas

The idea isn't imagitive and doesn't sound scary.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Mind Map- Psychological Movie Ideas

Narrative Analysis

Rosemary's baby

What has happened?

A newly married couple look around an apartment where the previous tenant had died while in a coma. While looking around the apartment a closet was hidden behind a chester draws, which couldn't have been moved by the previous tenant as she was 89. They go over to friends house who tell them about about the apartment block has been occupied by abnormal people. They then move into the apartment and they woman finds a shelves in the closet.

What do you think will happen
Rosemary has something to do with a baby to which may trigger some sort of madness or the child may grow up and do something to the parents.  Also the story line may revisit the closet that was hidden in the beginning.

Where is it set? What is the lighting like? Do we see the threat?

The movie is set in New York City.  At the beginning they are in daylight until they visit the apartment and again when they move in where their is no natural lighting only from lamps. We don't see the treat of the film.


What has happened?
Mike Eslin is a haunted house and paranormal activity enthusiast and travels around to find the top 10 most scariest places. He decides to stay in the room 1408  at the Dolphin Hotel, renound for its ghostly and mysterious past.

What will happen next

He will travel to another hotel and experiences paranormal activity in room number 1408

The Setting

The film is set somewhere in California in a beach side community, but Mike travels round to remote and secluded hotel where strange activities are more common. The lighting all natural when he is outside, but when they are in the hotel room light only comes from lamps. No threat is shown in the beginning of the movie.

The Others

What has happened?
Nicole Kidman employs new staff at her house, and shows them round her home, as the previous staff left in mysterious circumstances. She shows them all the unusual rules and regulations and introduces them to the children.

What will happen next?
The staff will start to experience stranger behaviour from Nicole Kidman and the children, and will learn a shocking secret about the house and the family.

The film is set on the remote island of Jersey. This is a good location for a horror movie because it is remote, secluded and gives a feeling of being trapped, which is important for a horror film. Apart from the scene of Nicole Kidman screaming at the beginning of the film and the showing of her strange behaviour, no threat is established. The lighting is very dark and very gloomy, which makes the house feel very creepy.

Friday 5 November 2010

Homework Exercise - Marking Previous Work

- Have a look at the mark scheme below to get an idea of each level.
- Then watch all 4 videos
- Now using the mark scheme give each video a mark out of 60 and explain why...?

I would give this short film 34-35 marks which is a
high level 2. I chose this marks because it used simple 
shots but used a variety of different distances. Also the 
sound and music used was appropriate, which created 
tension in the film. Also i marked down the film as it 
featured no titles showing who was in the film or who 
directed or produced the film,except the name of the 

Louise's Analysis
I would give this a 23-24 marks which is the top of a level 1 going into a level 2. I think this as there isn't a very different variety of shots, it tends to stick to the same shot through out which is a long shot and contains one close up. However it does use music approprietly and its titles are convienintly placed. If this film contained a larger variety of shots then it would have been well into the level 2 as the music, sound, setting and lighiting are appropriate in represetnting the genre and setting. Props, lighting and setting however are effectively used to create the atmousphere.

Charlie's analysis
For this clip, I would give it 25-26 marks which is the bottom of level 2.
I gave it this mark because it used some good shots, kept the camera steady mostly, the music is suited to the piece well and contains one or two close ups along with some good use of lighting. However the change of setting is rather confussing, and some of the shots are quite long which could bore the audience. If they wanted to getting higher into level two, they could add more of a variety of shots in , shorten some of them and make sure that it flows and make sure the audience can understand what is going on. The costume was appropriate to the sequence and the sub genre of the clip was shown well.

Elliot's Analysis
I would give this clip 38-39 marks, as the setting, props, shot selection and continuity are all excellent. However, i think the lighting throughout the film is very poor, and in many scenes i was left confused as to what was happening in the film. It is recogniseable as a vampire film, as it sticks to the conventions of the genre. Also the titles are effective, and show the star of the film, director and production company. The shots used are particularly well chosen, as they are not too short or too long, and keep the audience interested as to what happens next.